


The Reformation of Education at the End of the Qing Dynasty and at the Beginning of the ROC and the Rise of Vernacular Chinese Annotation of the Classic




朱孟庭(Meng-Ting Chu)


清末民初 ; 經典 ; 詩經 ; 四書 ; 教育 ; 白話譯註 ; the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the ROC ; classic ; The Book of Odea ; The Four Books ; education ; vernacular Chinese annotation of the classic




48期(2012 / 03 / 01)


157 - 186






The reformation of educational at the end of the Qing Dynasty and at the beginning of the ROC, have a close relation to the rise of vernacular Chinese annotation of the classic. Therefore, we can separately regard the last decade of the Qing Dynasty and the late decade of ROC as the seed period and growth period of vernacular Chinese annotation of the classic.The research observes the related education policy in this period, and analyzes the seed period, the gloss' growth period of the classic vernacular Chinese by using what the author could see now and publication of the gloss' growth period of the classic vernacular Chinese. According to the related education policy, the study is concerned with what reformation of education occurs. How is vernacular Chinese annotation of the classic formed and which vernacular Chinese annotation of the classic is achieved? In general, the environment, teacher, purpose, course, and teaching method of the last decade of the Qing Dynasty education which conforms to the principle of popularization, progresses step by step, has obvious understanding, and a flexible application. Therefore, booksellers and teachers gradually edit the textbook including the gloss of vernacular Chinese of The Analects of Confucins, The Classic of Filial Piety (《孝經》), and the Book of Odes (《詩經》). The education policy of the last decade of the R.O.C is the course which sways between abolishing classic and recovering the classic in majority. The situation stimulates and encourages the growth of vernacular Chinese annotation. In addition to Four Books (《四書》)and The Book of Odes, the course also includes the vernacular Chinese annotation of Zuo Zhuan (《左傳》). After 1923, the influence of the education declined and added some elements including society, academic, and culture, turning the gloss of vernacular Chinese into a new era.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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