


A Comparative Study of Zhu Yi-zun's and Wang Shi-zhen's Literary Critiques of Du Fu


周振興(Cheng-Hsin Chou)


朱彝尊 ; 王士禛 ; 杜甫 ; 雅正 ; 神韻 ; Zhu Yi-zun ; Wang Shi-zhen ; Du Fu ; elegance and truth ; spirituality




53期(2014 / 09 / 01)


91 - 119






The juxtaposed comparison between Zhu Yi-zun and (朱彞尊)Wang Shi-zhen(王士禛), two influential poets and poetry critics in the early Qing Dynasty, is known as Southern Zhu Yi-zun and Northern Wang Shi-zhen. Zhu is known for his elegance and truth while Wang advocates spirituality. Due to their different interpretations, their evaluations of Du Fu (杜甫) also vary. Generally sparking, Zhu exclusively chose Du Fu‘s poems that are quaint, informative, elegant, and true, while Wang persistently advocated spirituality and selected the ones that are simple, far reaching and have a lingering charm, As critics, they promoted their respective ideal poetic style as their poetic models. Zhu focused on Du Fu's old-style poetry because he was erudite and studied the classics; therefore,he reviewed poetry according to whether it contained classical meanings. Wang only reviewed Du Fu's seven-character regulated verse and seven-character ancient verse which contained spiritual themes. Wang regarded five-character poems as "tone sandhi (fusional change)" and negatively criticized them. Zhu respected Du Fu being "orthodox" and Wand regarded Du Fu as being "changing" so that even if they reviewed the same poems, there was often a great difference between the two critics' opinions. On the whole, they unanimously praised Du Fu's seven-character ancient poems, but had different views of Du Fu's seven-character regulated poems and five-character poems. Another difference between the two critics is that Zhu critiqued Du Fu's long poems while Wang did not.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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