


The Origin of the Interpretation of the Mythology of "Isolation of Heaven and Earth"


楊孟珠(Meng-Chu Yang)


呂刑 ; 古史辨 ; 母題 ; 宇宙起源神話 ; 天梯神話 ; Lu punishment ; Gushibian (debate on ancient history) ; motif ; myth of the origin of the universe ; the myth of sky ladder




54期(2015 / 03 / 01)


167 - 204






The term, "Jue Di Tian Tong(絕地天通) "(the isolation of Heaven and Earth),was first seen in the book, "Lu Punishment" in ShangShu (《尚書.呂刑》). Before the spread of western learning and mythology to the East, mythological discussions were always included in the study of Confucian classics. However, starting from the first half of the twentieth century when the "ancient history debater"(古史辨 the Gushibian school) spread the thought of doubting ancient theories and identifying counterfeit records, many classics were "restored" as myths, and discussions on "Jue Di Tian Tong" mythology began and gradually grew. The incidents of "Jue Di Tian Tong" were gradually interpreted as the "disconnection of Heaven from Earth," "termination of human-god relations," "lost paradise," "myth about the origin of the universe," etc. In later times, scholars even started coding with the concept of a motif index and created the index item of "the myth of the origin of the universe." The motivation of this research arose from curiosity about how "Jue Di Tian Tong" can be turned into a mythological topic from Chinese classics. How was the extraction and confirmation of the mythological motif, "Jue Di Tian Tong," edited and organized during the process of "diachronism"? In a further step, the research also conjectures on the formation and origin of the interpretations of "Jue Di Tian Tong's mythology of the origin of the university" based on various domestic and foreign scholars, such as "Gu Jie-gang" and "Henri Maspéro," myth theories on"Jue Di Tian Tong" and tries to point out problems like loose interpretations and contradictions in interpretations made by successive researchers when they "synthesized" all of the ancient illustrations.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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