Most western cross-cultural research on the rhetoric of Chuang-Tzu(《莊子》) primarily focused on the logical argumentation, the rhetoric arrangements and the effects of allegories in "On the Equality of Things" (〈齊物論〉). "The Human World" (〈人間世〉) in the Inner Chapters, due to a lack of clear logical arguments as the other chapters, has not received much attention. It has, however, comprised Chuang-Tzu's strong empathy towards the confusing era he was in and housed his rhetorical philosophy in some allegories. To avoid treating the 33 texts in the Outer, Inner and Mixed Chapters of Chuang-Tzu as a unanimous whole, this paper focuses on two most noteworthy allegories in "The Human World" in the Inner Chapters, one of the most significant chapters on Chaung-Tzu's philosophy. In the first allegory, the rhetorical drama between Confucius(孔子) and Yen-Hui(顏回), Chuang-Tzu demonstrated his recognition of the conditions for rhetoric situations. In the persuasive dialogues between Yen-Hui and King Wei(衛君) as well as between Yen-Hui and Confucius, we could also see clear evidence of rhetorical philosophy of Chuang-Tzu. In "Fasting of the Mind"(心齋) and "The Empty Room Emits a Pure Light"(虛室生白), in particular, where spatial metaphors were evident, one can see effective application of rhetorical strategies in amplifying Chuang-Tzu's philosophy.
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