


Research on Cultural Change in Southeast China from the Qin to Han Dynasties: Based on Population Mobility and Migration in Kuaiji County


黃旭(Xu Huang)


會稽郡 ; 吳越文化 ; 人口遷徙 ; 秦漢 ; Kuaiji County ; Cultural changes in Wu-Yue area ; Population migration ; Qin to Han Dynasties




57期(2016 / 09 / 01)


23 - 45






Previous researchers focused on the pre-Qin period of the Wu-Yue cultures after the rise and fall of the empire. The former investigations have focused on the Wu-Yue people who lived far from the central civilization, both in their own way of life and their relations with the central government as a historical event, while the latter research is done on the Huang He River culture, which is the local centre of civilization focusing on the way people lived in the capital. However, the cultural blending is doomed to be a long process since the two mentioned cultures are separated, causing both cultures to accept the central ideology of the government. However, although the researchers discussing the Wu-Yue people accept the central discourse, and the emperor immigrating to KuaiJi, they fail to consider the reasons why these two cultures have accepted the ideology of the ruler, while at the same time lost the authenticity of their own culture because of mingling with the Han culture. Therefore, previous researchers have yet to investigate the Wu-Yue in a broader sense. From reflecting on the central government view, as well as the historical events in the period, the author attempts to find out the reasons for the civilization change from multiple perspectives.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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