


The Renovation and Significance of Lu Xun's "On the Power of Mara Poetry" to Traditional Concepts on Poetics


江曉輝(Hiu-fai Kong)


魯迅 ; 〈摩羅詩力說〉 ; 唯意志論 ; 進化論 ; Lu Xun ; On the Power of Mara Poetry(〈摩羅詩力說〉) ; "Mara poetics"(「摩羅詩學」) ; Traditional concept on Poetics ; Voluntarism ; Evolutionism




57期(2016 / 09 / 01)


77 - 109






The sharp contrast between the corruption and backwardness of the late Qing Dynasty, and the advanced civilization of the western countries, made Lu Xun (1881-1936) reflect on the shortcomings of traditional Chinese poetics and nationality, neither of which he thought could adapt to the new era, or be conducive to national survival. In his early Poetics thesis, "On the Power of Mara Poetry"(〈摩羅詩力說〉), Lu Xun utilized Voluntarism and Evolutionism as his resources to Poetics, forming "Mara poetics"(「摩羅詩學」) which aim at will and competition. From the aspects, "characteristic"(「體」) and "function"(「用」), he renovated the traditional Chinese concept towards Poetics which upheld moderate and peace, and he targeted removing the numb negative nationality in order to adapt to the changing times. He not only transformed poctic concepts, but hc also renovated the concept of nationality; this was an unprecedented move. This article firstly refers to the formation, connotation and mutual relationships of "Characteristic-Function Concept"(「體用 觀」) of traditional Chinese poetics, and then illustrates how Voluntarism and Evolutionism became Lu Xun's poetic resources as well as constituted "Characteristic- Function Concept" of "Mara poetics". Based on the above description, the author analyzes how Lu Xun transformed traditional Chinese poetics by the "Mara poetics." Finally, this is an explanation of the specific significance from different angles behind "Mara poetics", and a reflecton on the problems of poetic.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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