


The Conceptual Interpretation of "Tao, Nature and Mind" in Zhong xuan xue before the Tang Dynasty: Focusing on Tai shang dong xuan bao yuan shang jing, Wu shang nei bi zhen cang jing and Tai xuan zhen yi ben ji jing


林東毅(Dong-yi Lin)


重玄 ; 《太玄真一本際經》 ; 道 ; 性 ; 心 ; Zhong xuan xue(重玄學) ; Tai xuan zhen yi ben ji jing(《太玄真一本際經》) ; Taoism




59期(2017 / 09 / 01)


31 - 63






The study of the Double Negation School (Zhong xuan xue 重玄學) started when Wen-tong Meng pointed out that, "the Double Negation School started from Southeast China and had influence over Sichuan in Tang Dynasty". After that, the Double Negation School (Zhong xuan xue), which is good at practicing the Double Negation to make the Taoism metaphysical, was noticed by the ideological circle. Extensive disquisition on Double Negation School (Zhong xuan xue) has appeared since then. However, most of the research and elucidation of the Double Negation School (Zhong xuan xue) focused on Tang scholars: Cheng Xuan Ying, Li Rong, Wang Xuan Lan, Meng An Pai, Li Long Ji, and Du Guang Ting. On the contrary, none of the researchers paid attention to the Double Negation Thinking before the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, in this thesis I discuss the concept of "Taoism"(道), "Nature"(性) and "Mind"(心) based on the three Daoist scriptures. Tai shang dong xuan bao yuan shang jing《太上洞玄寶元上經》, Wu shang nei bi zhen cang jing《無上內祕真藏經》 and Tai xuan zhen yi ben ji jing《太玄真一本際經》, from the Wei-Jin Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty. By analyzing the main ideas we are able to construct the Double Negation Thinking system before the Tang Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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