


A Preliminary Study of the Buddhist Yuanwen in Tongmunson in South Korea


李映瑾(Ying-jin Lee)


願文 ; 韓國願文 ; 東亞佛教願文 ; 東文選 ; Korean Yuanwen ; Buddhist Yuanwen ; Tongmunsŏn




60期(2018 / 03 / 01)


93 - 124






Tongmunson《東文選》, a famous Chinese collection of literature and ancient records, originated in the Korean Li dynasty. The Yuanwen(願文), found in Tongmuson, is an important Chinese Buddhist text written in Korea in the Middle Ages. The structure of the Korean Yuanwen at that time followed the writing forms of the Chinese Sui, Tang, and the Five Dynasties periods between the 7th and 9th centuries. Chai Huei Yuanwen is the main style of the Korean Yuanwen works during this period. These articles present various activities of Korean Buddhist Chai Huei, including: the construction of Buddhist statues or temples, the writing of Buddhist scriptures, the prayers for rain, the prevention of disasters, the hope for successful pregnancies, the funeral service...etc. These are not only contributions from the medieval Korean Buddhists, but also empirical studies that confirm the transference of Chinese Buddhist culture to the east during the Middle Ages. The structure of the Korean Yuanwen inherited the writing form of Chai Huei Yuanwen in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and also had a similar format to the Yuanwen during the Japanese Heian period. However, the polite formula structure of Korean Yuanwen is simpler than the other ones. What remains of the Korean Yuanwen is its function and form. This is the main reason why Korean Yuanwen is always included in the Japanese and Korean classical collections. Furthermore, we can observe much evidence of the combination of the Korean Confucian culture and Buddhism from the Yuanwen in the Tongmunson and the Eastern literary selections. These are excellent materials for us to explore Buddhism in Eastern Asian cultures. This paper is based on the articles of the Buddhist wish text in the Tongmunson and analyzes its content, form, purpose, author's background, and writing skills. According to analysis and collation of the literature, we can explore and understand the developmental history and classical style of Korean Buddhist wish text in the Middle Ages.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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