


A New Investigation of Causes of the Land Loss among Pingpu Aborigines in the Qing Dynasty


楊克隆(Ke-lung Yang)


平埔族 ; 地權 ; 墾民 ; 番地 ; 族群關係 ; Pingpu Aborigines ; Land Right ; Pioneers in Land Reclamation ; Aboriginals' Land ; Ethnic Relations




61期(2018 / 09 / 01)


47 - 78






The purpose of this paper is to probe into the causes of the land loss of the Pingpu aborigines, By sorting out the original statement and integrating the historical documents, it argues for the following three new interpretations of the causes of Pingpu's land loss. First, the prohibited boundary overstepping behavior conducted by the pioneers in land reclamation is definitely not an action that can be individually achieved. The government, in consideration of selling grain stored in granaries at fair prices, preventing disorder, etc. or even undertaking the conspiracy and dishonest possession, connived at the invasion of Pingpu's land committed by the officials in charge of aboriginal affairs and the pioneers in land reclamation for a long time, and it finally rendered useless the policy and injunction which protected aborigines' land rights. Second, under the ideology of Han Chinese chauvinism, the historical conception of old record literature mostly gave praise to the Han people's invasion, which depicts the land-guarded "indigenans inhabitants" as brutal and objectionable people. Third, criminal justice is considered society's last line of defense; however, on account of the long existing corruption, language of estrangement and officialdom's disregard for indigenous inhabitants' right of instituting legal proceedings, the fairness of Pingpu / Han trials were strongly questioned at the time. Through the foregoing political, cultural, judicial, and other absolute superior forces, the Han's power of collective and organized reclamation completed the general domination of the Pingpu people's land; as a result comma the Pingpu's living space was severely squeezed, stepping into the cultural decay and a decline of the ethnic group.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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