


Listen to the Brighter Summer Day : Technologically Mediated Soundscape in A Brighter Summer Day


王念英(Nien-ying Wang)


楊德昌 ; 《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》 ; 聲景 ; 聲音研究 ; 科技媒介 ; 感知模式 ; Edward Yang ; A Brighter Summer Day ; Sound Studies ; Soundscape ; Media Technology ; Modes of Perception




64期(2020 / 03 / 01)


1 - 25




新媒體時代帶來感知經驗的變革,從班雅明(Walter Benjamin)對現代複製科技的觀察可知,即使在政治與文化霸權控制之下,使用者仍有創造與自我實現的可能。本文研究楊德昌的《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》(1991)運用科技媒介聲景,向法國聲音研究者希翁(Michel Chion)的理論取徑,提出聽覺轉向,讓聲音介入長久以來由視覺主導的意義生產系統,分析《牯嶺少年殺人事件》中聲音媒體傳介,詮釋其聽覺政治的意涵,並透現其中的雙面刃。一方面來說,貫穿本片的廣播,體現看不見卻無所不在、全能全知的權力機制、規訓與監控。另一方面,科技媒介傳送的聲響,不僅是回應冷戰時期的戒備緊張,或是殖民情結下衍生的青少年文化,電影運用科技媒介傳達的基進性在於即便處於獨裁統治下的疏離恐懼之中,仍有觸發自我、自由的想像,與創作力的可能。基於此論證觀點,本文認為《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》透過科技媒介聲響改變視覺中心的意義詮釋系統,展現電影作為視聽媒介的本質,以聽覺感知的變異重構記憶與現實的關聯,開啟新的歷史敘事角度,過去壓抑的聲音,是此刻的回聲,並在未來不斷迴盪。


Edward Yang's A Brighter Summer Day (1991) exemplifies the continuous innovation and exploration of cinematic experiences by using technologically mediated ambient sounds to illuminate the unseen but ubiquitous political surveillance and cultural influence of the time. In this film, the technical media such as the state-run radio are means of disciplining the characters living in the post-war Taiwan and experiencing the White Terror period of suppression and repression. These mediated sounds reveal not only the characters' existential crisis but also the social and political climate precipitating their sense of anxiety and alienation. Hidden in the characters' everyday life environments, the all-encompassing media are forms of discipline and at the same time, distraction. The paper attempts to point out that the recording and broadcasting media technology that works to discipline the characters also helps constitute them. In other words, the disciplinary function of the technical media works to distract the young characters-to take them away from the discipline of military-controlled school. Yang's innovative use of the sound media technology in his films gives his rebellious young characters a voice to revolt against the political suppression.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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