


From Self to Community: Wu Xiaoyuan's Self-Dialectics and the Cultural Exchange between China and Joseon Korea


黃鈴棋(Ling-chi Huang)


吳孝媛 ; 朝鮮女詩人 ; 中朝文化交流 ; 小坡女士詩集 ; Wu XiaoYuan ; Joseon Poetess ; Cultural Exchange between China and Joseon Korea ; Poems of Xiaopo




68期(2022 / 03 / 01)


1 - 40






Modern Joseon poetess Wu Xiaoyuan (1889-?) is the person with the largest number of Joseon female poetry. Her poems are wide-ranging, innovative ideas, and show the kinetic energy of women in the new era. It is an object worthy of attention in the study of modern women. This theory analyzes Wu Xiaoyuan's poetry and essays from the perspective of cultural exchanges between China and Joseon Korea and women issues. First, in modern times, the issue of new women has been paid attention to in China, and the images of new and old women in the Joseon period have also been paid attention to. Wu Xiaoyuan is an important figure in Joseon Korea's new women. How does she enhance women dynamism, and show the image of the new Joseon Korean women with her poetry. Secondly, Wu Xiaoyuan had traveled to China to study. In the process of her travels and viewing China, how did she reflect on her motherland/self by watching other countries/ people, expanding reflections on history and the rise and fall of a country? Finally, in Wu Xiaoyuan's poems, there are a lot of singing and socializing with Chinese intellectuals. In the process of communicating with Chinese scholars of literati, what are the issues that each other pays attention to and discusses together? What kind of deeper role does literature and piano art have for Wu Xiaoyuan? And how did Wu Xiaoyuan's poetry art be accepted by the Chinese literary circle? This theory collects Chinese documents related to Wu Xiaoyuan, combined with Wu Xiaoyuan's own poems, and hopes to add some research materials of Wu Xiaoyuan, and at the same time it helps modern Sino-Korean literary exchanges.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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