Pat Barker is a contemporary British novelist known for exploring historical topics, such as memory, trauma, class, and gender in her novels. She often uses WWI as the backdrop for her novels to portray the cruelty of war and the psychological afflictions of traumatized veterans. In Another World, Barker presents the story of a 101-year-old WWI veteran, Geordie, who remains silent to deal with his traumatic past. Readers most often interpret Geordie's silence as a negative effect of his unclaimed trauma. However, silence may also serve as an alternate means through which a traumatized victim makes sense of their survival. Catherine Malabou, a French poststructuralist, proposed the concept of destructive plasticity to indicate how trauma may bring new possibilities and freedom to traumatized individuals. Her proposed concept sheds new light on how Geordie's silence may be interpreted more positively. The present study draws on Malabou's destructive plasticity and Cathy Caruth's theory of trauma and argues that Geordie's silence is a new form of life leading him toward making sense of his survival and his past.
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