


Cao Pi's "Delivery of Dedicated Emotion" and Themes in Writing about Women


陳慶元(Ching-yuan Chen)


曹丕 ; 傾情 ; 通侻 ; 女性題材 ; 建安文學 ; Cao Pi ; Delivery of Dedicated Emotion ; Unrestrained and Uninhibited ; Themes in Writing about Women ; Jian'an Literature




71期(2023 / 09 / 01)


1 - 31






"Affectionateness" had been a common prevalence among scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties since the Eastern Han Dynasty, and such ethos was shown to be of great influence on literature as well. Cao Pi, one of the representative figures in Jian'an literature, haan., Cao Pi had long been labeled as a biased and rare to give mercy and personality. In fact, to set aside all Cao's conducts in political purpose, he is more an amorous person as well as due to his implicit attitude to deal with society shaped his writing into a graceful carriage and possesses charming atmosphere. Treating and writing about women with such traits plus the manifestation of "delivery of dedicated emotion" in the connotation of his works constituted Cao Pi's style of writing about women which was different from his predecessors and peers. This paper discusses Cao Pi's affectionateness and dedicated emotion from the perspective of author's character and style of writing, as well as delving deeply into his works themed on women, thereby diversely understanding Cao Pi and his works.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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