Ali Smith, a British author renowned for her experimental writing style and explorations of themes such as ecology, identity, gender, and time, published her collection of short stories, Public Library and Other Stories, in 2015. This collection features twelve stories interspersed with conversations between Smith and other notable writers, discussing the role of public libraries in the UK. "The Beholder," the fourth short story in the collection, follows the protagonist-narrator, who transforms mysteriously into a rosebush after being diagnosed with depression and breathing difficulties. Smith employs the symbiotic image of a rosebush and a woman to challenge traditional cultural discourse and showcase the freedom that comes with metamorphosis. This paper draws on Catherine Malabou's concept of "plasticity" and Deleuze and Guattari's concept of "becoming" to reframe the concept of metamorphosis and argue that the protagonist-narrator's transformation in "The Beholder" is a "new form of life" that enables her to break free from "the impossible flight," exposes the limitations of traditional cultural norms, and ultimately allows her to find inner peace and understand the world in a different way.
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Gildenhard, Ingo,Zissos, Andrew(2013).General Introduction: Metamorphosis: A Phenomenology.Transformative Change in Western Thought: A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood
Guest, Katy. “Review of Shire, By Ali Smith, with images by Sarah Wood: Bewitching, at Least Three Times Over.” The Independent, 30 June 2013, https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/review-shire-by-ali-smith-with-images-by-sarah-wood-8679825.html
Malabou, Catherine,Shread, Carolyn(Trans.)(2010).Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction.Columbia UP.
Malabou, Catherine,Shread, Carolyn(Trans.)(2012).Ontology of the Accident: An Essay on Destructive Plasticity.Polity.
Orosz-Reti, Zsofia(2021).Covidian Metamorphoses: Art and the Poetics of Transformation in Ali Smith’s Seasonal Quartet.Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Philologica,13(1),60-72.
Ovid. The Metamorphoses of Ovid : Vol 1, Book I-VII. Translated by Henry Thomas Riley, Sherman & Co., Philadelphia Press, 1893. The Project Gutenberg eBook, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/21765/21765-h/21765-h.htm. Accessed 22 Dec. 2022.
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Pelletier, Keven(2004).Review of Metamorphoses: Towards a Materialst Theory of Becoming, by Rosi Braidotti.Cultural Critique,58,202-206.
Rahim, Sameer. Review of Public Library and Other Stories, by Ali Smith. The Guardian, 16 November 2015, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/public-library-and-other-stories-by-ali-smith-review/
Ranger, Holly(2019).Ali Smith and Ovid.International Journal of the Classical Tradition,26,397-416.
Säntti, Joonas(2022).Coming up Roses: Gender Ambiguity and the Unnatural in Two Short Stories by Ali Smith.SQS – Suomen Queer-Tutkimuksen Seuran Lehti,16(2),19-35.
Smith, Ali(2016).Public Library and Other Stories.Penguin.