


Trilogy of The Nine-Year Curriculum Reform: Unfreezing→Change→Refreezing




廖春文(Chuen-Wen Liao)


九年一貫課程 ; 解凍 ; 變革 ; 復凍 ; The Nine-Year Curriculum ; Unfreezing ; Change ; Refreezing




19卷1期(2005 / 06 / 01)


73 - 88




台灣自從公元二○○一年於國民小學一年級開始實施九年一貫新課程以來,採循序漸進的改革途徑,至二○○四年業已擴及國中階段,使得國民小學六年與國民中學三年的課程,非僅在縱貫面相互連結,亦且在橫斷面進行統整,最終達到學校課程與社會生活經驗緊密結合的融入境界,培養新世代青少年與自己對話、與人群溝通、與大地感通、與天人合一的教育目標。事實上,九年一貫課程改革過程中,曾經面臨學校教師的焦慮、社會大眾的質疑及行政人員的恐慌等諸多抗拒阻力,然而經過四年的實施,發現問題並沒有想像中的嚴重,教師、行政人員及家長已經逐步逃脫原初焦慮恐慌之惡夢,有漸次朝向接納認同之趨勢。因此,本文擬從組織變革的觀點,探討台灣實施九年一貫課程改革從解凍、變革到復凍三部曲的心路歷程,並兼論此項課程改革對教師專業與學生學習成長之影響。 為進一步探討九年一貫課程改革歷程及其對教師與學生之重要影響,本文從四個方向來析述。首先,分析九年一貫課程的發展脈絡;其次,細述九年一貫課程改革三部曲之歷程;復次,說明九年一貫課程改革對教師專業與學生學習之影響;最後,針對此波課程改革所產生之問題進行反省,並提出相應之對策,以供教育改革之參考。


The nine-year curriculum reform, which was practiced step by step, began in 2001 years. In 2004 this curriculum reform was put into practiced in Junior high school. From the vertical perspective, it was connected with elementary and junior high school. And from the horizontal dimension, the reform integrated elementary and junior high school's program to become a nine-year curriculum. This educational reform mixed students' academic and living experiences into the harmony. For example: students can talk to themselves, communicate with one another, and think about themselves as part of nature. In fact, at the beginning of this reform, teachers were anxious, the public was doubted, and school staff was panic. How ever after four years' practicing, we do find it's not as serious as people think. The tension between public and school faculty is released and worked together to recognize this is a good educational reform. From this research paper, I will write from the organizational change's perspective to explore the curriculum reform process, which includes unfreezing. Changing, and refreezing. Furthermore I would like to talk about teachers' professional development and the students' effectiveness of learning. In order to explore the processes of this curriculum reform and its influences on teachers and students, the paper dividend into four parts. Firstly, to analyze the developmental context of this reform. Then, to explain the gradual process of curriculum reform in detail. Thirdly, to illustrates the influences of nine-year curriculum on teachers' professional development and students' learning. Finally, to suggest certain ways to cope with difficulties, which will be faced in school reform.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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