The nine-year curriculum reform, which was practiced step by step, began in 2001 years. In 2004 this curriculum reform was put into practiced in Junior high school. From the vertical perspective, it was connected with elementary and junior high school. And from the horizontal dimension, the reform integrated elementary and junior high school's program to become a nine-year curriculum. This educational reform mixed students' academic and living experiences into the harmony. For example: students can talk to themselves, communicate with one another, and think about themselves as part of nature. In fact, at the beginning of this reform, teachers were anxious, the public was doubted, and school staff was panic. How ever after four years' practicing, we do find it's not as serious as people think. The tension between public and school faculty is released and worked together to recognize this is a good educational reform.
From this research paper, I will write from the organizational change's perspective to explore the curriculum reform process, which includes unfreezing. Changing, and refreezing. Furthermore I would like to talk about teachers' professional development and the students' effectiveness of learning.
In order to explore the processes of this curriculum reform and its influences on teachers and students, the paper dividend into four parts. Firstly, to analyze the developmental context of this reform. Then, to explain the gradual process of curriculum reform in detail. Thirdly, to illustrates the influences of nine-year curriculum on teachers' professional development and students' learning. Finally, to suggest certain ways to cope with difficulties, which will be faced in school reform.
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