


A Study on the Developmental Factors of Model Environmental Communities in Central Taiwan




林明瑞(Min-Ray Lin);謝有誌(Yu-Chih Hsieh)


環保社區 ; 社區發展 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 社區環保工作 ; community development ; community environmental protection ; Environmental community ; Planed Behavior Theory




19卷1期(2005 / 06 / 01)


89 - 113




社區是家的組合,也是推動環保的最佳場所,因此本研究希望瞭解中部地區環保模範社區發展的啟動機制、主要影響因素,以建立環保社區的發展模式。本研究主要針對中部地區近五年來獲選為全國環保模範社區的主要推動者共十人進行訪談,再依「計畫行為論」設計問卷針對中部地區推動社區環保工作有成及一般社區之幹部進行問卷調查,共寄出問卷750份,回收有效問卷265份,回收率35.3%,Cronbach α為 .827,並將訪談與問卷調查內容進行綜合整理,其重要結果如下: 促成環保模範社區的主要因素:包括優秀的領導人、民眾的參與、熱心人士的積極奔走。經費來源以申請政府補助、社區發展基金為主。人力資源以義工隊、發動民眾參與及社區理事會成員為主。社區環保工作成果以社區環境清潔、環境教育宣導、廚餘回收堆肥等工作項目對成為環保模範社區的影響最為顯著。「社區環境改善」、「社區環境綠美化」是社區幹部最瞭解及推動成果最顯著的部分。社區幹部從事社區環保工作主要是受到「居民的期望」及「領導者的感召」;團隊組織的互相激勵可以減低環保工作的阻礙因素;社區幹部對社區環保工作的「態度」越正向及「覺知行為控制」能力越強,社區幹部對於社區環保工作的「行為意向」也越高、參與社區環保工作的「行為」越積極。


Communities are made of families, and undoubtedly suitable for carrying out environmental protection. This research aimed at proposing the developmental model of environmental communities by exploring the activating mechanisms, main influential elements and the problems encountered during the establishing process of central Taiwan environmental communities. Firstly, 10 leaders from national model environmental communities (N.M.E.C.) were interviewed. Then 750 questionnaires for communities with fine and ordinary reputations for environmental protection in central Taiwan were issued. 265 of them were replied validly with a 35.3% recovery rate and the Cronbach α was .827. The results were shown as: the main factors forming a model environmental communities (M.E.C.) included outstanding leaders, participation of residents and the contributions from enthusiastic persons. The financial resources mostly came from government or community development funds. The human resources mainly composed of volunteer teams, the community affairs committees and the residents. The cleaning of communities environment, the propagation of environmental education and the recycling of kitchen garabage were the most important tasks to form M.E.C. The results were shown that community environment improving as well as the greening and beautifying of community environment are two key items for improving community environment protection. The staves of community devoted themselves to environmental tasks resulted from the expectation from residents. It will be more easier to attract the residents' participation if the community perpetual development ideals go together. The more positive attitude and better control over perceived behaviors of the staff members have, the stronger behavior intentions toward community environmental affairs. The stronger behavior intentions they had, the more aggressive and practical actions were shown out.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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