


A Research on the Unrequited Love




卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho);林芸欣(Yun-Hsin Lin)


單戀 ; 愛情 ; 情傷經驗 ; 紮根理論 ; unrequited love ; heterosexual love ; loss of love ; ground theory




13期(2003 / 03 / 01)


45 - 88




本研究之目的在瞭解單戀者單戀經驗之發展脈絡,包括在單戀過程中之認知、情緒與行為內涵,單戀形成的原因,以及單戀結束過程、因應與調適之道。研究者以半標準化之深度訪談,將五位受訪者回溯其單戀經驗之訪談內容謄寫成逐字稿後,根據紮根理論之編碼與分析步驟進行資料分析。資料分析與追訪同時交錯進行,以達資料飽和,逐步形成單戀經驗之發展脈絡。 綜合資料分析結果整理呈現如下:(一)單戀者單戀通常會歷經「相識吸引」、「獨自喜歡」、「表白與否」與「單戀結局」四個階段。此單戀歷程並非依序進行,單戀者會在「獨自喜歡」與「表白與否」兩階段間穿梭、來回進行。(二)單戀者相識吸引可歸納為三大要素:對方特質因素、地緣接近、以及個人的知覺與解釋。單戀的發生與地緣因素、對方的體貼善意行為、以及個人知覺和解讀有關。(三)單戀者在不同階段的認知、情緒與行為各有不同特徵。個人的揣度為主要的認知特徵;單戀者的情緒變化會隨和對方接觸後的知覺而定,情緒則由初期的甜蜜、期待,轉為煩亂、失望、痛苦;行為特徵則表面接觸的追求行為,與對方互動性並不多也不深入。(四)單戀者會以自我放逐、自我砥礪、逃避與轉移等做為調適,其中朋友的支持也有助其走出情傷。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果作進一步的討論,並對未來相關研究及諮商輔導工作提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the psychological experiences of the would-be lovers, including (1) the chatacteristics of the would-be lovers' cognition, emotion, and behavior in the process of unrequited love; (2) how the unrequited love occurs; and (3) how the unrequited love experience ends and the coping strategies used by the would-be lovers. The researchers interviewed five subjects and analyzed the interview transcripts based on the principles of ground theory. Four stages were derived from the would-be lovers' experience, in which the subjects would repeatedly go through between “loving alone” and “whether or not to confess” stages. The would-be lovers were primarily attracted to the rejecters' personal characteristics. Three factors contributed to the occurrence of unrequited love; they are propinquity, the rejecter's kind and considerate behavior towards the would-be lovers, and the would-be lovers' attribution and interpretation. The would-be lovers demonstrated different cognition, emotion, and behavior through the four stages. Whereas personal imagination and interpretation characterized the would-be lovers' cognition across the process of unrequited love, the rejecters' behavior would determine the would-be lovers' emotion, and the behavior indicated surface contact in courtship and lacked continuous interaction with the rejecters. Finally, the would-be lovers tended to use shifting attention, self-encouragement, getting support to adjust the heart-broken end. The researchers raised several suggestions for counseling the would-be lovers and discussed the limitations of the study.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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