


The Development of the Scale of Empathy on Perspective-Taking Stories




趙梅如(Mei-Ru Chao);鍾思嘉(Shi-Kai Chung)


同理心 ; 認知性觀點取替同理心 ; 情感性觀點取替同理心 ; 表達性觀點取替同理心 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; Empathy ; emotional perspective-taking empathy ; cognitive perspective-taking empathy ; expressive perspective-taking empathy ; confirmatory factor analysis




15期(2004 / 03 / 01)


39 - 60




本研究的目的在編製一份適合國內成人及大學生的觀點取替故事同理心量表,以提供研究與輔導應用。全量表含有認知性觀點取替同理心、情感性觀點取替同理心、表達性觀點取替同理心三個分量表,共16題,施測時間大約10(15分鐘。本研究以台灣地區2155位成年人及大學生為樣本進行信、效度考驗,結果顯示: 1. 在信度上,認知性觀點取替同理心、情感性觀點取替同理心、表達性觀點取替同理心三個分量表以及全量表之Cronbach α係數分別為.67, .73, .70 及.87,間隔四週之重測信度為.83,顯示此量表的內部一致性信度尚可。 2. 在效度上,以驗證性因素分析檢驗其概念建構,顯現量表的建構效度良好。


The objective of this study is to develop the scale of empathy on perspective- taking stories for reference applicable in research and counseling. This scale includes 16 questions and can be conducted within 10-15 minutes. This study is based on samples from 952 college students in Taiwan with reliability and validity tested. The results have shown: 1. the scale of empathy on perspective-taking stories has reached satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability, tested with Cronbach a coefficients .67, .73, .70 and .87 for cognitive, emotional, expressive perspective-taking empathy sub-scales and overall empathy scale respectively; test-retest reliability within four weeks was .83, 2. this scale have a clear factorial structure through confinnatory factor analysis.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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