


A Battered Woman's Internal Believes and Changing Process: A Hermeneutic Perspective




范幸玲(Shing-Ling Fan);卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho)


受暴婦女 ; 詮釋學 ; battered women ; Hermeneutics




15期(2004 / 03 / 01)


61 - 96






The main purposes of this paper were to explore the different aspects of a battered woman, L, including her inner most believes, her changing process and her strengths as a survivor. This paper also demonstrated the interactions between the researcher and this battered woman. Five in-depth interviews were used to gather information and the hermeneutic inquiry was applied to analyze the data. Researchers found that because of the childhood experiences of witnessing L’s father beating her mother, she pushed herself to become a savior and therefore was trapped in her violent marriage. Yet, when L’s life was threatened, she started to realize the value of her own life and was able to motivate her strengths to save herself. During the process of the interviews, L was able to connect her childhood experiences with her current believes, and she was also aware of her own strengths. At the same time, the researcher also had to modify her own pre-understanding so as to understand L in a more complete way. According to these results, three suggestions were provided to professional helpers.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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