


The Characteristics, and Psychosocial Cause in Sentence Identification of Domestic Violence




陳筱萍(Sheau-Ping Chen);周煌智(Frank Huang-Chih Chou);吳慈恩(Grace Wu);黃志中(Joh-Jong Huang)


裁定前鑑定 ; 家庭暴力 ; 相對人(加害人) ; presentence identification ; domestic violence ; offender




16期(2004 / 09 / 01)


149 - 181




本研究的主要目的是:(1) 藉由一種新的制度:家庭暴力相對人(加害人)裁定前鑑定制度描述其特徵,(2)藉由鑑定探討相對人施暴的心理社會歸因。 自民國九十年四月起至九十一年十一月止,由高雄地方法院轉介的家庭暴力相對人128人為研究對象,其中屬於婚姻暴力98人,非婚姻暴力30 人。由研究人員依據內政部家庭暴力防治委員會所制訂「家庭暴力相對人裁定前鑑定手冊」標準作業流程執行裁定前鑑定,並根據鑑定書報告與手冊所附的問卷與危險量表(danger assessment, DA)收集資料並分析。 研究結果發現:相對人以男性118 人(92.2%)、年齡大於40 歲者佔69人(53.9%)、教育程度有71 人(55.4%)為國中或以下、職業有69 人(53.9%)屬於無業或勞工階級者居多數;有超過1/3 具犯罪前科,超過半數的人(60.2%)在暴力行為時曾經有使用酒精或藥物,但達到DSM-IV 的酒精/藥物成癮的精神科診斷標準者並不高。由於加害人對於暴力行為完全承認者僅佔8.8%,因此,危險量表可使用來預測相對人中高再犯危險性,但當得分較低時,則有必要進一步收集其他旁證來印證。相對人和聲請人對婚姻品質的認知不同;相對人大都不認為婚姻有衝突或磨擦的問題,而婚姻衝突處理方式以爭吵和打架較多。相對人對於暴力行為歸責對象以歸究於聲請人較多(32.5%),其次才是雙方皆須負責(26.6%)。對於此次暴力事件可能造成離婚的感受時,聲請人普遍感覺是高興和接受,而相對人大部分是不接受的。 結論:透過裁定前鑑定制度可以瞭解相對人基本特徵與心理社會可能的危險因素,以提供從事預防家庭暴力防治工作及加害人治療處遇者的參考。


The purpose of this project are to: (1) describe the characteristics of presentence identification of domestic offenders; (2) approach the psychosocial cause of domestic violence. 128 subjects were referred from the court which according to the standard procedure of nine specialists by preliminary. 98 are marital violent offenders and 30 are non-marital violent offenders. 118 domestic offenders are male (92.2%) and over 40 years old are 69 (53.9%). 71 subjects’ education level are under junior high or below (55.4%). 69 have no job or are labors (53.9), over 1/3 have previous criminal record, and over half of them are alcohol and drug users but diagnosis of alcohol abuse/dependence according to DSM-IV criteria was not high. Due to there are only 8.8% domestic offenders complete admitted their violent behaviors, the danger assessment could be used in predicting the re-offended risk. However, when the scores getting lower, it should be collected other evidences to prove. There are prominent difference of marital quality between offenders and victims. Offenders denied they have problems in their marriage. Most offenders thought victims caused the violent behavior. Regarding of the violent behavior may turn into the result of divorce, victims are happy and accepted it, but offenders are unaccepted. Conclusion: It can be understanded offenders’ characteristics and psycho-social risk factors with presentence identification and provide reference of preventing domestic violence and domestic offenders’ treatment plan.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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