


Childhood Conduct Disorder: Compulsivity, Possible Selves, and Leisure Activities




田秀蘭(Hsiu-Lan Tien)


未來的我 ; 休閒活動 ; 兒童輔導 ; 違犯行爲 ; 衝動性格 ; Possible selves ; leisure activities ; children counseling ; conduct behaviors ; compulsivity




17期(2005 / 03 / 01)


105 - 129




本研究主要目的在探討兒童違犯行為的相關成因,以特質因素(衝動性格)、社會因素(休閒活動)、及認知因素(對未來我的看法)為主要的預測變項。研究工具包括「衝動性格量表」、「兒童休閒活動問卷」、「兒童違犯行為量表」及兒童「未來的我檢核表」,其中「未來的我檢核表」由研究者根據Markus與Nurius (1986)所提理論架構及台灣地區兒童的認知狀況自行編製。在未來我檢核表的發展過程中,研究樣本包括775名五、六年級兒童。在探索違犯行為及相關因素變化情形方面,有效樣本為846名六年級兒童。平均年齡為12.22歲。研究結果發現男生和女生在違犯行為及本研究多項相關研究變項上的後測得分有顯著差異。對女生而言,將近一年之間的違犯行為變化並不明顯;對男生而言,攻擊違犯行為的增加則達到統計上的顯著意義。男生女生的求樂衝動性格均有增加。在休閒活動方面,偏差及玩樂行為均有增加。在對於未來我的期待方面,男生在各職業興趣類型上的分數並沒有明顯變化;女生則是對未來的經濟狀況持更為正面的看法。本研究並針對研究結果做進一步之討論,最後並提出輔導實務及未來研究上的建議。


The purpose of the study was to examine the risk factors for children's conduct disorder. The factors examined in this study included compulsivity, possible selves, and leisure activities. For the first stage of the study, the purpose was to develop related questionnaires. Gender differences on those factors were also examined. The sample was 775 children. For the second stage of the study, the purpose was to follow up the children's behavior change in one year. The sample was 846 children with the average age of 12.22. The results indicated significant gender differences on most of the scales. For girls, the behavior change in one year was not significant. For boys, the aggressive conduct increased significantly. For trait factor, the boys' and girls' scores on pleasure pursuit scale increased. For social factor, both girls and boys scores on pleasure seeking and violent type of leisure increased. For cognitive factor, the boys' scores on interest and future life scales did not change significantly. The girls, on the other hand, were more positive toward their future economic situation. The results were discussed and suggestions for future studies were proposed.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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