


The Psychosocial Transition of a Bereaved Father




王純娟(Chun-Chuan Wang)


九二一大地震 ; 民族誌 ; 哀傷心理治療 ; 個人中心學派 ; 喪兒父親 ; 驟逝 ; bereavement ; ethnography ; grief therapy ; the 1999 Taiwan Earthquake ; Person-Centered Approach




20期(2006 / 09 / 01)


1 - 49




本文旨在探索一位父親在經歷了孩子驟逝近四年來的蛻變。這位父親F的孩子因九二一大地震而去世,研究者在震災後兩年又四個月時進入F的家庭,在初期的接觸,F表現客氣卻拒人於千里之外、抗拒且不信任研究者,後來轉而願意接受深度訪談,甚至接受心理治療邀請,探討其態度的轉折與轉折契機、心理治療後的蛻變是本文的目的。 研究的最基本前提乃視F為一整體,全程以民族誌研究方法進行,研究者以不同的互動型式蒐集F的哀慟資料。從與F家庭歷時18個月,共計40次接觸中,本研究選擇其中三次長談、一次錄音深度訪談和七次晤談作為檢視其蛻變之依據。這些接觸時間共計超過30小時,資料分析乃以接觸後24小時之內的田野筆記(或訪談筆記)和逐字稿作為基礎。資料分析得到以下三蛻變:關係的建立與契機、因震災的喪兒經驗所帶來的影響與經歷七次晤談的蛻變。 就第一個蛻變而言,本文探討三個可能促發F從不信任到全心分享他的故事的契機。就第二個蛻變而言,F的哀傷有其普遍性和獨特性,對F個人亦有深層的影響。就第三個蛻變而言,治療者以個人中心學派治療模式介入,F逐漸發展出來的蛻變的主題亦有三:自由自在做自己的主人、換個角度看事情、對退休的惶恐。


The aim of this article is to explore the psychosocial transition of a father who lost his daughter during the 1999 Taiwan Earthquake. The transition of this father in terms of his level of trust upon the researcher, impact of grief experiences, and possible growth was the principal focus of this study. The present study utilized an ethnographical method to derive data from various forms of interaction from the father. Three long conversations, one in-depth tape-recorded interview, seven sessions of therapy, field notes, as well as the verbatim text of the recorded interview, were being used as primary data sources. Three themes then were extracted, including: relationship establishment, the influences of the bereavement, and changes triggered by therapy. For the first theme, this study explored three possible aspects that facilitated the father's willingness to share his story. For the second theme, the universalities and uniqueness in the father's grief, as well as the profound impact on the father of the experience of sudden loss were investigated. Regarding the third theme, based on principles deriving from Person-Centered therapy, possible changes after therapy were discussed.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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