


A Study of Improving Students' Emotional Intelligence by Applying Music Exploration Activities




李維靈(Wei-Ling Lee);張利中(Li-Jung Chang);郭世和(Shih-Ho Kuo)


音樂探索活動 ; 情緒智力 ; music exploration activity ; emotional intelligence




20期(2006 / 09 / 01)


153 - 174




本研究旨在探討音樂探索活動對提昇大學生情緒智力之成效。本研究以某大學21名大一學生為研究對象。研究者針對八次音樂探索活動單元擬出半結構性之問題,做為音樂探索活動實驗成效的測量工具,並以質性研究的內容分析法為基礎,對學員之心得回饋進行分析與比較,以佐證研究成效與了解本研究方案介入的效果。研究結果發現如下: 1.情緒調適能力: a.透過音樂探索活動感受或察覺自己與他人的情緒。 b.藉由音樂來反思達到自我認識的目的。 2.人際互動關係: a.在主動型的人際互動關係方面,發現音樂探索活動能增進自我表達與溝通能力。 b.在學習型的人際互動關係方面,則發現藉由活動的進行可以提供學生間互動的機會與默契的培養,以達學習表達自我的機會。 3.自我激勵: a.學員能藉由音樂對自我的內心喊話,或與同儕間互相勉勵而達到正向激勵的目的。 b.音樂探索活動能增進學生創意的空間與想法,間接達到自我肯定的效果。最後依據研究結果對活動單元及活動評鑑部分提出具體建議,期使大學生獲得更適當的生活、情緒及人際適應。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of musical activities on students' emotional intelligence. Participants were drawn from 21 college freshmen students majoring in Leisure and Recreation Management from a University in Taiwan. Eight musical activities were used for this study, semi-opened questionnaires and students' ”feedback” assignments were analyzed and compared using ”content analysis” to serve as outcome measures. The results demonstrated positive impact on components of emotional intelligenge, including: (1) emotional adjustment abilities, such as students could aware themselves and others' emotions, and could make self-reflection through musical activities; (2) social relationship, such as musical activities could improve students' self-expression and communication abilities well as well as provide students opportunities to know each other better; (3) self encouragement, such as students learned to use music to encourage themselves and others, and also learned to improve their creative thinking which in turned also increased their self-assertiveness. Finally, based on the research findings, discussion and recommendations for implementation of musical activities and subsequent evaluation techniques were proposed along with guidelines for future research.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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