


Intension of Intimate Trust and Its Measurement: Validation of the Intimate Trust Scale




林怡君(Yi-Chun Lin);趙梅如(Mei-Ru Chao)


包容 ; 付出 ; 可靠 ; 忠貞 ; 陪伴 ; 親密信任 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; forgiveness ; devotion ; reliance ; faithfulness ; companionship ; intimate trust ; confirmatory factor analysis




21期(2007 / 03 / 01)


1 - 32




本研究旨在探討親密信任之內涵建構,並編製一份適合國內大學生的親密關係信任量表,以提供研究和輔導使用。全量表含五個分量表,為包容、可靠、陪伴、忠貞、付出代表五種親密關係的信任內涵。共27題,為一個六點量表。 本研究以台灣地區大學生情侶為樣本進行量表施測。以188對情侶為預試樣本,將所蒐集到的資料進行探索性因素分析,以300對情侶為正式樣本,將所蒐集到的資料經驗證性因素分析進行信、效度考驗,其結果顯示: 1.在信度上,包容、可靠、陪伴、忠貞、付出五個分量表之Cronbach α係數分別為.77、.75、.85、.83、.72,及全量表之Cronbach α係數為.94,顯示此量表有適切的內部一致信度。 2.在效度上,經過專家效度的檢驗、也以探索性因素分析進行初步驗證,以主軸因子斜交轉軸法抽取五個因素,各因素的因素負荷量絕對值介於.62~.97之間,五個因素累積變異解釋量達81.10%;並以驗證性因素分析結果顯示理論模式與觀察資料具有良好之適配度,各項係數均在可接受的範圍之內,顯現量表的建構效度良好。


The objective of this paper was to study the intension of intimate trust and to construct a scale suitable for the measurement of intimate trust amongst college students. The sample was 300 couples recruited in Taiwan for the purposes of this study. The Intimate Trust Scale (ITS) used comprises 27 questions in the form of six-point Likert-type scale, including subscales of forgiveness, reliance, companionship, faithfulness, and devotion. The results of this study revealed that the ITS has reached satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability, tested with Cronbach α coefficients .77, .75, .85, .83, .72, and .94 for forgiveness, reliance, companionship, faithfulness, devotion sub-scales and overall ITS respectively. The ITS had shown a clear factorial structure. Expert's validity and exploratory factor analyses (principal axis factoring with oblique rotation) identified five factors. Each absolute value of factor loading was between .62~.97, and the cumulative R-square for this model was 81.10%. Furthermore, through the confirmatory factor analysis, this scale had shown that the theoretical model was a good fit for the observed data.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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