


Exploring the Intimate World of Adolescents in Group Counseling




翟宗悌(Zong-Ti Jhai);鄔佩麗(Pei-Li Wu)


性教育 ; 青少年 ; 團體諮商 ; 親密 ; 關係 ; 戀愛關係 ; adolescent ; group counseling ; intimacy ; relationships ; romantic relationships ; sex education




22期(2007 / 09 / 01)


119 - 155






In the past, research documents related to adolescent sexual behaviors emphasized knowledge of sex and attitude towards sex. The overflowing of adolescent sexual behavior problems were focused to point out the importance of sex education; however, the inner voices of adolescents were usually neglected in most sex education programs and there's no discussion of romantic relationships. This study intended to explore the intimate world of adolescent romantic relationships by leading a semi-structured counseling group in hope of producing a design as the foundation for future references. The participants were eleven fourteen-year-olds who claimed to be interested in romantic relationships or who have been in one. The volunteered participants were divided into two groups; one group of five boys and another group of six girls. Each group had ten hours of semi-structural group counseling. Phenomenological research method was used to analyze all data collected from tapes, observation notes and field notes. The results of this research indicated that when facing romantic relationships, both male and female adolescents not only feel confused about issues regarding sexual behaviors, but also lack the skills to establish and maintain good relationships with their romantic partners. It was found that the semi-structural groups employed here were helpful in assisting group participants to integrate their attitudes about romantic relationships. Based on the research results, a revised five to six sessions of two-hour group counseling model was proposed by the researchers to further assist and accommodate sex education in school.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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