This article explores the dilemmas of psychoanalytical clinical research and also intends to propose a method which is differentiated from that based on clinical experiences with the help of hermeneutic phenomenology. Psychoanalysis structures its theory by clinical research; however, it cannot meet the requirements of verification and deduction in terms of empirical science. In addition, the practice traits of psychoanalysis make verifying empirical evidence difficult. For these reasons, psychoanalysis is not easy understood and accepted within the scope of academic research. In order to shed the impression of ”simple logical thinking”, this article attempts to provide a platform for examining psychoanalytical theory through hermeneutic phenomenology.
In the empirical discussion, this article focuses on bridging psychoanalysis and phenomenology based on ”co-constitution”. This article suggests that ”projective identification” of psychoanalysis and ”co-constitution” of phenomenology are refering to how people co-constitute a certain relationship. The difference is that the ”co-constitution” of phenomenology believes the existence of human Beings' inner thoughts but it does not address those. In the last part, the problem of dual roles of a researcher and a therapist is discussed as well in order to clarify how the researcher controls keys and rules of her role positioning so that it is not trapped in the research dilemma of ”simple logical thinking”.
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