The aim of the present study was to gain insights and comprehensions of grief of the bereaved using the experiences of a grief researcher. Heuristic inquiry, a qualitative research approach developed by Moustakas (1990), was used to conduct this study.
The main philosophical foundation of heuristic inquiry was based on Michael Polayni's (1962, 1966) concept of ”tacit knowing.” The procedure of heuristic inquiry comprised six phases. They were initial engagement, immersion, incubation, illumination, explication, and creative synthesis. Following the procedure, a main research question was developed, ”what is the experience of gaining access to the inner world of the bereaved?” Five themes pointing to the grief researcher were derived accordingly. First, a researcher should encounter continuing self-reflexivity and experience grief at all possibilities. Second, the creation of a warm and secure climate is assumed to be crucial for the bereaved to encounter their grief. Third, a researcher's traits and attitudes that persist through life are important in beginning to lead him/herself to understand their stories. Fourth, a researcher should learn to let go of self-attachment and to transcend him/herself to understand their grief. Lastly, a genuine human interaction is expected between the researcher and the bereaved for the former to receive a true story. A composite depiction of the experience in question, with validation data considered, was completed at the end of the process. It was followed by the discussion of the five themes used by a grief researcher to gain access to the inner world of the bereaved.
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