


An Analysis of Group Leader's Intentions and Members' Perception Consistency in Solution-Focused Counseling




邱美華(Mei-Hua Chiu);謝麗紅(Lih-Horng Hsieh)


成員知覺 ; 焦點解決團體諮商 ; 領導者意圖 ; leader's intentions ; members' perception ; solution-focused counseling group




25期(2009 / 03 / 01)


1 - 38




本研究旨在瞭解焦點解決團體諮商領導者意圖與成員知覺一致性分析。研究者邀請一位具有此方面訓練的團體領導者及公開招募七位大專校院學生參與八次團體歷程,並於每次團體結束後四十八小時內,採取人際歷程回憶方式進行領導者和七位成員的訪談。於團體結束後三週,進行與成員的追蹤訪談。蒐集完整八次團體領導者和成員資料後,針對訪談資料進行分析,發現以下研究結果: 1.團體領導者所產生的意圖,共有十類,分別為團體導向與文化建立、蒐集資料與評估成員、目標導向與擬定、對問題意義再建構、例外衍生解決、探索與支持、注入希望、賦予力量、增強改變和擬定行動計畫。以目標導向與擬定和例外衍生解決最常出現。2.成員知覺到領導者在八次團體歷程中共出現了162次意圖,以「例外衍生解決」36次為多,其次為「目標導向與擬定」34次,第三為「注入希望」和「擬定行動計畫」21次,第四為「團體導向與文化建立」20次。3.領導者與成員知覺領導者意圖的一致性,八次團體歷程中分別為.64、.67、.77、.68、.69、.72、.75、.73。八次團體歷程彙整的一致性為.71。 綜合以上研究結果,研究者提出在諮商實務和未來研究上的建議,以作為未來研究或實務工作參考。


This study aims to investigate the group leader's intentions and members' perception consistency in solution-focused counseling. A professionally trained and qualified leader was invited and seven junior college students were recruited to participate in eight counseling sessions as research subjects. After the end of each counseling session, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with the leader and seven members within 48 hours, adapting the Interpersonal Process Recall model. The research findings are as follows: 1. There are ten factors pertaining to the group leader’s intentions, including group orientation and culture building, information gathering and member assessment, goal direction and setting, meaning reconstruction, exceptional solution, exploration and support, installation of hope, empowerment, reinforcement of change, and planning of action. Among the ten factors, goal setting and generation of exceptional solutions appeared most frequently. 2. The leader's factors appear a total of 162 times in the eight sections during group process. The most frequent is ”exceptional solution,” followed by ”goal direction and setting,” ”installation of hope,” ”planning of action,” and ”group orientation and culture building.” 3. Consistency of members' perception and leader's intention in the eight sections during group process fluctuated with an average consistency of .71. Proposed suggestions for conducting practice and future research are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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