


Exploration and Analysis of Therapeutic Predicaments of Play Therapists




高淑貞(Shu-Chen Kao);蔡群瑞(Chiun-Ruei Tsai)


治療困境 ; 遊戲治療 ; 遊戲治療師 ; 督導 ; play therapy ; play therapist ; supervision ; therapeutic predicament




26期(2009 / 09 / 01)


1 - 45






Play therapy is the current dominant model in working with child-clients. However, resources for training and supervision are not sufficient to meet the needs in continuing education of play therapists. Play therapy is a specialty which requires special trainings. The researcher believes that proper continuing education can be provided only through accurate understandings of play therapists' work difficulties. Reflecting this viewpoint, this study focuses on investigating and exploring the difficulties in play therapists' experiences. The research data was gathered by qualitative methods through interviewing with 17 play therapists and analyzing the interview transcripts. Results show that play therapists reported fourteen factors belonging to five main themes of therapeutic predicaments. They are unsureness and difficulties of techniques, anxiety issues of the play therapist, challenges from clients, difficulties of case conceptualization, unsureness of assessment, pressure from expected effectiveness, disturbances from clients' families, pressure from work environment, lack of supervision resource, desire of promoting professional abilities, expectation of an ideal supervisor, positive effects on the child, sense of achievement and motivation, and ways to resolve predicaments. The five main themes include difficulties in the play therapy process, unsureness of effectiveness of play therapy, pressure and conflict from the working context, unmeet supervision needs, and self-adapting to the difficulties. According to the findings, it is evident that play therapists confront various challenges in their clinical work. Based on the results, meaning of the findings and continuing education and supervision concerns for the play therapists are discussed. Suggestions for play therapy educators and practitioners as well as for further research are given.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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