


The Marital Adjustment of the Hearing-impaired




許維素(Wei-Su Hsu);王秋霜(Chiu-Shuang Wang)


婚姻適應 ; 聽障者 ; marital adjustment ; the hearing-impaired




26期(2009 / 09 / 01)


163 - 202




本研究探討聽障者婚姻適應的面向及特色,採立意及滾雪球方式取樣,邀請五位已婚且有子女之聽障者(二男及三女,年齡介於28 至38歲間,中度或重度聽障)進行半結構訪談,並依循質性研究開放性編碼的精神與原則分析資料。研究先呈現每位受訪者的婚姻適應簡述,並探討其婚姻適應的重要面向包括:(1)夫妻溝通與互動方面:婚前的互動經驗,成為夫妻關係的重要基礎;聽障特質影響雙方溝通與衝突處理;溝通意願與正向行動為衝突化解關鍵;社交與娛樂是夫妻互動的重要支持與潤滑。(2)子女養育層面:擔憂遺傳是家族需共同突破的痛苦藩籬;自身聽障具有撫育子女的困難;隔代教養是利弊各半的選擇;辛苦育兒但仍具有生命及家庭的正向價值;職場生涯的考量與教養子女的需求有其互動消長的關係。(3)姻親關係層面:姻親關係是重要支持力量,且互動品質受溝通問題影響;家庭結構中的姻親關係,左右婚姻的自主與發展。本研究也針對聽障者婚姻適應中三個最具有挑戰性的夫妻、姻親及親子溝通層面進行討論。最後,本研究尚針對聽障者、教育與輔導人員及未來研究提出建議。


This study investigated the important and essential aspects of marital adjustment of the hearing-impaired. Five married adults (2 males and 3 females, aged between 28 and 38) with hearing impairment and children participated in this study. Data collected through semi-structured interviews were analyzed by using the open-ended rules in the qualitative method. The results and discussion of this study were presented as three parts. First, the stories of these hearing-impaired adults' marriage adjustment were briefly described. Second, essential aspects of the interviewees' marriage adjustment were identified as interaction and communication between the couple, child-raising, and in-law relationship. Third, the barriers and solutions of communication about the aspects of marriage adjustment were discussed. Finally, based on the results and discussion of this study, suggestions were proposed for the hearing-impaired, professionals, and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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