


Analysis of Gender Power in the Marital Life of Depressive Outpatients




巫珍宜(Jen-Yi Wu);郭麗安(Li-An Kuo)


社會建構理論 ; 婚姻權力 ; 憂鬱症患者 ; depressive outpatient ; marital power ; social construction theory




27期(2010 / 03 / 01)


79 - 114




本研究奠基於社會建構理論典範,採用質性深度訪談法,以配偶一方為憂鬱症患者的夫妻為探究對象,共訪談八對夫妻,旨在深入了解憂鬱症患者在婚姻中的性別權力運作過程。研究結果如下:(1)婚前,憂鬱症患者在交往互動過程中雖大都居於主導地位,但背後隱含「男性主導、女性順從」的性別價值觀。(2)婚後,女性患者都難以維持婚前的主導地位,男性患者則都能維持或提升婚前的主導地位。(3)在婚姻生活中,女性患者極力爭取丈夫對家庭的關注、夫妻同盟、或工作自主權,配偶採取安撫、相互對峙或競爭、或支持回應方式;男性患者則都致力於工作成就上的發展,大都獲得配偶的支持及協助。(4)罹病之前,多數女性患者同時處於婚姻權力不穩定及家庭變動狀態下,並且都無權更動丈夫;男性患者則都面臨工作上的巨大壓力或追求成就的挫敗,多數也都經歷了家庭變動或婚姻權力不穩定的狀態。(5)罹病之後,男性及多數女性患者,都獲得配偶的支持及配合,憂鬱症狀獲得緩解。 研究結論是:女性及男性患者婚後權力位階有不同的轉變,性別在其中扮演重要的關鍵性因素;女性及男性患者在罹病之前,有不同的權力位階,罹病的影響因素也不同;參與夫妻的性別及權力位階,皆在其罹病後婚姻權力的轉變上扮演關鍵性的角色。


The purpose of this study was to understand the dynamics of gender power in the marital life of depressive outpatients. Based on Social Construction Theory, this study adopted a qualitative in-depth interview research method with eight couples. The results were as follows: 1. Prior to marriage, the outpatients held the leading role in the relationship. 2. After marriage, female outpatients had difficulties in maintaining their role in the relationship, while male outpatients maintained or even elevated their status. 3. Female outpatients attempted to shift their husband's attention on them and family issues in order to acquire support and freedom to their career endeavors. Their spouse developed different ways to respond to their needs, such as pacifying, arguing, competing, and supporting. Male outpatients were very much devoted to their careers and usually obtained their spouse's support and assistance. 4. Before the onset of depression, most female outpatients were going through marital power conflicts, and felt unable to effect changes on their husband's behaviour; the male outpatients faced pressure and frustration from work, while at the same time suffering from power conflicts within the family. 5. After the onset, all male and most female outpatients obtained their spouse's support and cooperation, and gradually the symptoms of depression subsided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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