


The Research on Effect of Advisor Teacher on Ego Identity of Constant Violating Rules' Students in Junior High School




李逢堅(James Feng-Chien Lee)


自我認同 ; 國中生 ; 管教 ; 導師 ; advisor teacher ; discipline ; ego identity ; junior high school student




28期(2010 / 09 / 01)


229 - 281




國中生處於青少年初期,此階段正是個人發展獨特自我認同的開始。由於自我認同具有社會屬性,違規學生時常遭遇導師的管教,導師又是學生在學校互動密切且擁有絕對權力的管教者。因此,本研究目的即在探討導師管教對經常違規國中生自我認同形成的影響,及此影響下所形成的自我認同特徵。 本研究專注於學生角色經驗,研究情境設定在師生因為管教產生衝突的社會脈絡。探究一再違規的行為如何藉由導師的管教行動歷程,促成學生自我認同的型塑。 研究對象選擇經常違規的國中學生14人及導師17人,大致呈現成對的導生關係。這些學生行為常與規範相衝突,甚至與導師發生衝突。本研究採用半結構式個別深度訪談,以紮根理論進行資料分析。 研究發現,學生從導師持續管教中,以違規行為為基礎,先接受導師的管教標準,評估所意識到自己的行為,形成自己的認同標準,而認定自己為壞學生。此歷程即為本研究發現的「管教的凸透鏡成像效果」。學生從不斷重複的管教經驗中所型塑的「承諾貶抑」自我認同,學生雖貶抑自己的表現,卻接受這些負向行為,也將持續展現這些違規行為。研究最後提出對導師管教的建議。


A student's unique identity begins in early adolescence, a stage of development that a student's peers and society will have effects on the development of identity. In the education system in Taiwan, a student and his advisor teacher build close ties in which the student is subject to the advisor teacher's watchful discipline. The purpose of this research is to explore the effects that the advisor teacher has on the ego identity of the unruly students and other characteristics that may come from this relationship. Special attention will be on a student's role within the context of an advisor teacher's disciplining situation. The information gathered in this situational context will reveal how an advisor teacher's discipline can shape the growth of a student's unconscious ego identity. The subjects consist of 14 constantly unruly junior high school students and 17 advisor teachers, most in dyads. This research will be in line with a psychosocial approach based on a symbolic interactionism, adapting a semi-structured interview method and an analysis with grounded theory. The research found that the effects of an advisor teacher conform to the phenomenon of ”effect of looking through convex lens image in discipline.” Though the disciplined students perceived themselves as the opposite of an ideal type of student, the students internalized the inner judgment of themselves from their advisor teachers. The characteristic of ego identity that is subject to the effects of an advisor teacher is the self-limited identity called ”self-devalued commitment.” The students do recognize and accept their own unruly behavior, which has the characteristic of carrying forward and not discontinuing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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