


The Effect of Gestalt Group Therapy on College Students Who Experienced Parental Divorce in Childhood




卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho);陳宗興(Chung-Shing Chen)


大學生 ; 父母離異 ; 失落悲傷 ; 未竟事務 ; 完形團體治療 ; college students ; Gestalt group therapy ; loss and grief ; parental divorce ; unfinished business




30期(2011 / 08 / 01)


54 - 78






The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of Gestalt group therapy on the college students who experienced parental divorce in childhood. Thirty participants from a college located in southern Taiwan were recruited, with fifteen of them assigned to the experimental group and the other fifiteeen to the control group. The experimental group received 18 hours of Gestalt group therapy within three days. The Loss Inventory and BDI-II (Chinese version) were administered at the pre-test, post-test and follow-up test to all participants. The results based on Johnson-Neyman Method showed that for the majority of the participants in the experimental group, Gestalt group therapy was able to alleviate the participants' grief at post-test and follow-up test. From the interviews of participants' intimate friends, the parents living with the participants, and participants themselves, it was found that the participants changed positively after receiving Gestalt group therapy in terms of emotions, behaviors, thoughts, physiological conditions and interpersonal relationships. Further discussion and suggestions were addressed for the practitioners and future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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