


The Survey Research of Kindergarten Children's Dreams




張治遙(Chih-Yao Chang)


一般夢境 ; 兒童夢 ; 重複夢境 ; 夢內容 ; 夢主題 ; 夢意象 ; 夢魘 ; children's dreams ; dream content ; dream image ; dream theme ; general dreams ; recurrent dreams ; nightmares




33期(2012 / 08 / 01)


1 - 23






The aims of the study were to understand the prevalence of recurrent dreams and nightmares, and content characteristics of dreams in preschool children. A total of 226 preschool children (age 5 to 6) were interviewed individually. The final250 valid cases were included in the analysis. The findings were as follows. (1) The prevalence of recurrent dreams and nightmares were 23% and 45% respectively. (2) In terms of general dreams, the major emotion was happiness, and the most common dream image that emerged was parents (23%) with the most appearing theme as ”playing with or being accompanied by family members” (24%). (3) In terms of recurrent dreams, the major emotion was negative (71%) , and the most common dream images that emerged were ghosts or monsters (36%) with the most appearing theme was ”being frightened, being attacked or being chased by ghosts or monsters” (39%). (4) In terms of nightmares, the emotions were all negative, where horror and fright ranked as the highest (89%) ; the most common dream images that emerged were ghosts or monsters (55%) with the most appearing theme as ”being frightened, being attacked or being chased by ghosts or monsters” (39%). (5) Among all dreams, the major emotions were horror and fright (48%); the most common dream images that emerged were ghosts and monsters, followed by parents, where the most appearing themes was ”being frightened, being attacked or being chased by ghosts or monsters; the scenes that appeared most often was their own house; 60% of all dreams were threatening; and among the threatening dreams, the most common coping style is active, and 50% of the outcome of dreams are successful in escaping from the threatening situation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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