


After Sexual Harassment: Secondary Harm from Women Coping with Sexual Harassment Incident




羅燦煐(Tsun-Yin Luo)


人際疏離 ; 父權體制 ; 性騷擾 ; 衍生性傷害 ; 消音歷程 ; 揭露焦慮 ; 機構性虐待 ; disclosure anxiety ; institutional abuse ; patriarchy ; secondary harm ; sexual harassment ; silencing process ; social isolation




33期(2012 / 08 / 01)


155 - 191






While most sexual harassment literature in Taiwan focus on the primary impacts of sexual harassment incident, this study examines nine women survivors' secondary harm resulting from coping with sexual harassment. This study found that survivors experienced various types of sexual harassment and engaged in various coping styles. Nevertheless, due to the patriarchal culture, their coping of sexual harassment often resulted into secondary harms, such as disclosure anxiety, self-blame for confusion, backlash from confronting the harasser, institutional abuse in the complaint process, as well as destruction and isolation in social relationship. Although the main findings support radical feminist contention of sexual harassment as patriarchal oppression on women, this paper also noticed that women's discourse on the secondary harm from sexual harassment reveals their resentment with and resistance to sexism in Taiwan, which might represent a possible subversion to patriarchal oppression.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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