


A Senior Psychotherapist's Transformation and Practice of Suffering Life Experiences: A Narrative Analysis


陳增穎(Tseng-Ying Cheng);田秀蘭(Hsiu-Lan Tien)


心理師 ; 受苦生命經驗 ; 敘說 ; 轉化 ; narrative analysis ; senior psychotherapist ; suffering life experiences ; transformation




35期(2013 / 04 / 01)


65 - 93






The purpose of this study was focused on a senior psychotherapist's suffering life experiences. It aimed to explore the psychotherapist’s transforming process and outcomes, and how the psychotherapist utilized these experiences into her clinical work. Based on the narrative analysis, the psychotherapist's three suffering life events were identified. The psychotherapist went through these suffering life experiences by abandoning old belief, doing what she could do, thinking positively, re-believing the good human nature. The transformations identified by the psychotherapist include: having more wisdom to cope with suffering experiences and keeping a harmonious relationship with life and others. The results showed that after having transformed from suffering life experiences, the psychotherapist (a) had more empathy, compassion, sensitivity and tolerance toward her clients, (b) used multiple methods and skills to help clients, and (c) served as a patient companion during the long process of psychotherapy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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