


Performance Indicators of Outreach Work with Adolescents: Social Workers’ Viewpoint in Taipei Adolescents Service Centers


胡中宜(Chung-Yi Hu)


外展工作 ; 成效指標 ; 高危機青少年 ; at-risk adolescents ; outreach work ; performance indicators




35期(2013 / 04 / 01)


95 - 120






Since 1978, the non-profit organizations in Taiwan have started the outreach work for at-risk adolescents. Although the practitioners have built different outreach work models, there was lack of concrete indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the work. In addition, the adolescents’ behavioral changes do not show up immediately. Taken together, this makes the evaluation rather challenging. The purpose of this study was to build performance indicators for the outreach work. A focus group with 19 outreach workers was formed. The results suggest several recommendations for future practice. First, the government should develop good indicators of guidance performance based on different strategies of outreach work. Secondly, individual intervention is as important as community advocacy. Lastly, the indicators should include not only the amount of service, but also positive changes of the clients and their ecosystems.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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