


From I to You to He/She: Exploring Psychological Properties of the Psychological Displacement Paradigm Diary-Writing with Word-Frequency Analysis


黃金蘭(Chin-Lan Huang);張仁和(Jen-Ho Chang);程威銓(Wei-Chuan Chen);林以正(Yi-Cheng Lin)


文本分析 ; 心理位移日記書寫法 ; 心理距離 ; 字詞分析 ; linguistic analysis ; LIWC psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing ; psychological distance




39期(2014 / 04 / 01)


35 - 58




金樹人(2005,2010)從東方禪學的視角與西方心理治療的觀點提出「心理位移日記書寫法」,目前已有質性及量化的實徵研究支持其對短期的負向情緒調節及長期的正向心理適應之提升具有相當良好的效果。過去雖有質性研究就書寫文本檢證其位格特性,但相對而言,質性研究較難針對特定的理論與假設提出具有信效度的穩定指標。本研究採取量化取向,以字詞分析軟體LIWC2007(Pennebaker, Booth; & Francis;2007)針對心理位移日記書寫法中的三種書寫位格(我位格、你位格及他位格)進行文本分析。本研究結果大致支持金樹人(2005,2010)所主張的心理位移觀點。文末針對心理位移日記書寫之理論及其應用進行討論。


In his effort to improve the traditional expressive writing method, Jin (2005, 2010) developed the Psychological Displacement Paradigm of Diary-writing (PDPD) that is based on the wisdom of Zen and Buddhism, and integrated with Western psychotherapy theory. Existing research has supported PDPD's short term effect of reducing negative emotions and long term effect of promoting psychological wellbeing. Although there have been some qualitative studies that examine the psychological properties corresponding to each writing phases in great detail, reliable quantitative indices have not been proposed. The purpose of this study is to explore the psychological properties of PDPD using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC2007; Pennebaker, Booth, & Francis, 2007) analysis, which uses word usage to index psychological processes. With a recently developed Chinese LIWC dictionary, the current study examined the linguistic and psychological characteristics of the three phases in PDPD. The results mostly supported Jin's (2005, 2010) arguments. Related mechanisms and applications were also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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