


A Comparative Study of Gifted Elementary School Students' and Non-gifted Students' Resilience Protective Factors


王琡棻(Shu-Fen Wang);盧台華(Tai-Hwa Lu)


國小一般生 ; 國小資優生 ; 復原力保護因子 ; gifted elementary school students ; non-gifted elementary school students ; resilience protective factors




40期(2014 / 08 / 01)


1 - 26






This study examined the resilience protective factors of gifted and non-gifted elementary school students in Taiwan. All 980 students from 11 elementary schools responded to the Children's Resilience Protective Factor Scale. Four main results were found. First, the results indicated that resilience protective factors showed a gradually declining trend in higher grades for both gifted and non-gifted elementary school students. Second, the gifted third graders reported greater parental resources, teacher resources, and selfefficacy than those who were non-gifted third graders. However, non-gifted fifth graders reported more optimism than those who were gifted fifth graders. There was no difference among gifted and non-gifted fourth and sixth graders. Third, among gifted students, third graders reported more parental resources, teacher resources, neighborhood resources, self-efficacy, interpersonal communication ability, and problem-solving ability than those who were the fifth and sixth graders. Fourth, among non-gifted students, third graders reported more neighborhood resources than sixth graders; fourth graders reported more teacher resources, neighborhood resources, and self-efficacy than fifth graders as well as reported more teacher resources and neighborhood resources than sixth graders.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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