


Attributions to Permissive Parenting: Parents' vs. Children's Perceptions


李容蓉(Jung-Jung Lee);陳富美(Fu-Mei Chen)


溺愛教養 ; 親子關係 ; 歸因 ; 學齡兒童 ; attributions ; parent-child relationship ; permissive parenting ; school-aged children




40期(2014 / 08 / 01)


157 - 177






This study examined mothers' and children's attributions to permissive parenting practices, and the relations between attributions and parent-child relationship. There were two parts in this study: Scenario interview and questionnaires method. Nine pairs of mothers and their 5th or 6th grade children were interviewed. Questionnaires were completed by 258 pairs of mothers and children. Factor analyses identified one factor "Irresponsibility" for mothers, and two factors "Incapable of parenting" and "Involving with love" for children. Mother's "Irresponsibility" attributional tendency was negatively correlated with parent-child relationship. Children's "Incapable of parenting" attributional tendency was also negatively correlated with parent-child relationship. However, children's "Involving with love" attributional tendency was not correlated with parent-child relationship significantly. In sum, mothers view permissive parenting as negative. No matter the reason of the practices, parents who practice permissive parenting are not responsible. However, children can see the "love" components, other than irresponsibility in their parents' permissive parenting.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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