


Application and Reflection upon a Resilience Enhancing Program for Young Girls in Residential Care


陳怡芳(Yi-Fang Chen);林怡君(Yi-Chun Lin);胡中宜(Chung-Yi Hu)


安置照顧 ; 兒童福利 ; 復原力 ; 輔導方案 ; child welfare ; guidance program ; residential care ; resilience




41期(2014 / 12 / 01)


93 - 121






Resilience is an important psychological trait needed to recover from the trauma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Resilience Enhancing Program (REP) in a residential placement. REP enhances clients' resilience by using four strategies, including care relationships, family life education, experiential education, and case management. Moreover, this study applied the three dimensions of resilience,which are "I have", "I am", and "I can". The interview method was conducted to collect data from seven residential care practitioners who work in a residential home. Based on the findings, suggestions for future practice include: (a) verifying the objectives and strategies of REP; (b) enhancing residential care practitioners' viewpoints of internal resilience; (c) strengthening the effectiveness evaluation of REP; and (d) finding out the change agency of resilience in different care stages.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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