


A Study on Benefits of Using a Two-Day Workshop to Facilitate Intimacy of Breast Cancer Couples


李佩怡(Pei-Yi Li);林蔚芳(Wei-Fang Lin);李玉嬋(Yu-Chan Li);王雪蓮(Hsueh-Lien Wang);梁惠君(Hui-Chun Liang)


方案助益性 ; 乳癌夫妻 ; 混合研究法 ; 團體工作坊 ; 親密關係 ; benefits of group program ; breast cancer couples ; follow-up explanations model ; intimacy ; two-day workshop




45期(2016 / 04 / 01)


33 - 66




本研究旨在檢視乳癌夫妻親密關係團體工作坊方案之助益性。團體方案參考2008 年Sharon Manne與Hoda Badr 的「夫妻調適癌症之親密關係模式」,2010 年五對乳癌夫妻同意參與研究以13 小時團體工作坊進行,結束後進行回饋評量,兩個月後訪談。採解釋式混合研究法,以量性和質性資料探討團體方案的助益性。研究結果說明,本團體工作坊方案對促進乳癌夫妻親密關係有一定的助益。結論為:(1)本方案能增進乳癌夫妻親密關係的品質,呈現在團體後夫妻溝通時表達方式與時機的拿捏、嘗試正向肯定與讚美對方、增進彼此了解和體諒、摩擦衝突減少、自省覺察互動的疏失;(2)本方案最受成員肯定的活動是以身體互動傳遞非語言親密,及夫妻共創作品催化罹癌照顧時情緒經驗表達;(3)有助促進乳癌夫妻親密關係的團體方案著重在鼓勵罹癌和照顧經驗敘說、學習正向溝通與肯定讚美,形塑安全輕鬆的團體氣氛;(4)本團體方案僅促使成員表淺地討論乳癌夫妻性親密議題,此議題須在足夠安全信任和相互支持的團體氛圍中進行;(5)乳癌夫妻團體招募方式與活動設計,應考量性別差異,以催化男性參與動機及提升團體動力。


The aim of this study was to examine benefits of the group program to facilitate intimate relationships of breast cancer couples through a two-day workshop. The framework of the group program was based on "The Relationship Intimacy Model of Couple Adaptation to Cancer" proposed by Sharon Manne and Hoda Badr in 2008. 5 breast cancer couples agreed to participate in the 13-hour workshop after having read and signed the informed consents in 2010. Participants wrote the group feedback forms immediately after the workshop and were interviewed by researchers two months later. The follow-up explanations model was used to analyze quantitative and qualitative data. The results showed this group program had brought some benefits to facilitating breast cancer couples’ intimacy. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The group program enhanced the quality of couples’ intimacy. After the group program, couples showed improvements on their communication. Namely, to express themselves appropriately, to appreciate partners positively, to increase mutual understanding, to decrease conflicts, and to learn self-awareness and reflection on interactions. (2) Couples considered that using body language to communicate intimacy and creating artwork corporately were the most effective group activities. (3) Group programs facilitating couples’ intimacy encouraged couples to narrate their cancer experiences, learning to appreciate partners positively and to form a safe and cozy atmosphere. (4) Group programs slightly facilitated couples to talk about sexual intimacy. This subject should be conducted in a safe, trustworthy, and mutually supportive group atmosphere. (5) Group programs should consider sexual differentiation regarding recruitment and activities in order to enhance participation of men and the dynamics of the group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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