


Constructing a Typology for Court-Referred Males of Intimate Partner Violence based on Changing Relationalism Perspectives


邱獻輝(Hsien-Huei Chiou)


文化變遷 ; 家庭暴力 ; 華人 ; 類型學 ; chinese ; cultural change ; domestic violence ; typology




46期(2016 / 08 / 01)


93 - 126






Males who commit intimate partner violence vary across cases, so a practical and valid typological frame work is essential for understanding the psychological mechanisms and characteristics of male perpetra-torsviolence. However, many well-known western typologies have not considered traditional Chinese Relationalism and the changing context within the Taiwanese society. Additionally, existing typologies are often based on female descriptions about male batterers; thus, they are limited in terms of their utility in understanding the subjective phenomenon of male batterers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to construct an indigenous typology according to the narratives of male perpetrators within the context of Chinese Relationalism and its changing situation within the Taiwanese society. In addition, this study also considered the crime diaries of male batterers, forensic documents, and court statements. To achieve this goal, this study followed the constructivism paradigm and adopted the consensual qualitative research approach method to analyze the text. Twenty four interviewees were invited as participants for semi-structural in-depth interviews; they had committed intimate partner violence and violated domestic law. The results indicated that the interviewees could be divided into four types according to the following five dimensions: Reflect related to Relationalism patriarchy; criticism to role duties of partners; concerns about parenting; alcoholic use; and personality disorder and clinical symptoms. The four types are as follows: Self-modification, following-law and tradition, distress, and fighting-back. Based on the results, practical implications and directions for future research were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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