The execution type of public facilities includes centralization which is also called U type, decentralization which is also called M type, and polycentric type. There are pros and cons between M type and polycentric type and the comparison of effects between M type and polycentric type can manifest that lower level government administration push BOT forward to promote public interests and the purpose of fairness and efficiency.
This study focuses on the viewpoints of local government pushing BOT forward to choose 18 local construction projects to assume the six norms of feasibility, desirability, easily financing, low risk, returns, and manufactures' intentions as the performance index and two norms of easily financing, low risk are the low transaction costs index. After asking experts and scholars for opinions by Delphi Method and looking for consistence, the results are authenticated by cluster analysis. The findings show that 7 programs like hospitals, parking lots, Columbarium Pagodas, resort hotels, amusement parks, labor housing and incinerators have higher relative efficiency that have the consistent result authenticated by cluster analysis. The property of 7 performance programs is chargeable mixed goods with high relative efficiency and low transaction costs and therefore, it is suitable to be operated by M type organizations. Polycentric organizations emphasize efficiency, fairness, accountability and assessment of proper targets which focus on sustainability and are suitable for community-owned local infrastructure such as regional hospitals, community centers, extension classes for county (city) residents, infant-asylum, sports parks, parking lots, and sewer systems and so on.
The study finds that ”Statute for Promoting Private Participation in Public infrastructure” which is called non-governmental institutions implied profit-making organizations and non-profit organizations. M type belongs to profit-making organizations while polycentric organization belongs to nonprofit organizations. M type is suitable for running mixed goods and polycentric organization is suitable for running cooperation goods.
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