


The Application of Morality Policy Theory: The Case Study of Taiwan Pet Industry Regulatory Policy




吳宗憲(Chuang-Hsien Wu)


公益理論 ; 俘虜理論 ; 道德政策 ; 道德政策理論 ; 寵物業管理政策 ; Public Interest Theory ; Capture Theory ; Morality Policy ; Morality Policy Theory ; Pet Industry Regulatory Policy




54期(2012 / 06 / 01)


121 - 164






Morality policy issues play a more and more important role in developed countries. The major reason of policy inefficiency in these countries is that the members of ”morality party” impose their value on the members of other parties which are recognized as ”politics of sin”; as a result, it causes the opposite parties' boycott in public or in private.Taiwan has gradually entered postindustrial era after went through transactional justice, constitutional framework reform issues in the early age, and contemporary governance reform issues. With these morality policy issues appearing frequently, there is a need of academic researches in this field.Through the empirical case study of pet industry regulatory policy, we find these theories Taiwan public administration academic community usually use are inappropriate for this kind of policy. However, the ”morality policy theory” built by western politics academic community recently seems more appropriate for this policy.That is to say, our policy academic and practice communities have to concentrate more on ”morality policy issues” in the future. Besides, we have to escape out of traditional policy model, and introduce ”morality policy theory” perspective, so that we can analysis or resolve policy problem more efficiency.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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