This research studies how the government collaborates with Hakka associations under the framework combined collaboration model of Bryson, Crosby, and Stone with IAD framework (Institutional Analysis and Development Framework) proposed by Ostrom. It analyzes how the government manages the collaborative systems to offer policies, integrate resources, pass on Hakka traditions and create new local culture with Hakka associations. The research adopts the way of collaboration from sociocentric to discuss collaboration between Hakka Affairs and Hakka associations. It not only focuses on the mission and consciousness of Hakka, but emphasizes public value, accountability and public participation of Hakka. Furthermore, through public discussion, a Hakka civil society will be put into practice. The findings are as follows: First, the needing and making of the environment. Department of Hakka Affairs of New Taipei City Government plays an important role in promoting Hakka culture by understanding the needs of Hakka associations and offering assistance. Both preferential and encouraging policies provided by the government are part of the urgent demands. Second, open and see-through information affects the interaction. During the process of collaboration between Hakka associations in New Taipei City, inspecting and exchanging experiences with one another brings the associations close together. As to Department of Hakka Affairs, the collaborative system works better when giving the associations a certain degree of independency, making good administrative communication, and building a trustful activity network.
瞿文芳,2001,〈行政院客家委員會設置之背景說明〉,行政院客家委員會:http://old.npf.org.tw/PUBLICATION/EC/090/EC-B-090-001.htm,檢索日期:2009 年9 月13 日
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