


Do Indigenous Public Servants Care More about Indigenous Peoples?-An Empirical Analysis of Active Representation of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan




陳文學(Wen-Hsueh Chen)


代表性官僚 ; 官僚行為 ; 原住民族公務人員 ; 原住民族政策 ; bureaucratic behavior ; indigenous civil servants ; indigenous people's policy ; representative bureaucracy




57期(2013 / 12 / 01)


129 - 171






Active representation of indigenous peoples is defined as public servants favoring content ions which benefit indigenous peoples both inside and outside of the agency, as well as acting in the policy interests of indigenous peoples when making decisions and providing services. This study examined what characteristics contribute to public servants' active representation of indigenous peoples. Using the individual as the unit of analyses, we conducted multivariate analyses on questionnaire data from public servants serving in 8 indigenous townships.The results showed that (a) indigenous public servants demonstrated higher levels of active representation of indigenous peoples in attitudes and behaviors compared to their Han counterparts, in other words, indigenous public servants not only cared more about, placed more emphasis on, and showed more support for issues (rights) of the indigenous peoples than Han public servants, but also acted in consistent with their attitudes; (b) a wide variety of factors in both individual and organizational levels, including sex, party identification, years of service in the indigenous organizations, and the experience of working with indigenous colleagues, exerted different impacts on active representation of indigenous people; and (c) the degree to which public servants cared about, laid emphasis on, and showed support for issues surrounding indigenous peoples was positively related to their perceived levels of external actors' attention paid to those issues, which was the main contribution of the study. Further analyses revealed that there were significant differences between indigenous and Han public servants' perspectives in whether the present policies arc advantageous to indigenous peoples Theoretical implications were discussed based on these findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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