


The Study on How the Public Staff's Working Motivation and Team Relationship Affect Work Attitude




吳宗憲(Chuang-Hsien Wu);黃浩瑋(How-Wei Huang)


促進民間參與公共建設 ; 公共服務動機 ; 工作投入 ; 組織承諾 ; private participation in infrastructure project ; public service motivation ; work involvement ; organizational commitment




58期(2014 / 06 / 01)


87 - 120






The government instituted the "Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects (PPP)" in 2000, in hopes of solving financial shortness and increasing public service efficiency. However, the public servants dealing with PPP must face uncertainty situation, so their organizational commitment and work involvement are weaken. Most of academia and practitioners are derived from perspectives of "external customers" like citizens and entrepreneurs. But neglecting the public staffs' attitude. Apparently, motivation and behavior of "internal customers" (the public staff) are the key point to the PPP's problems. In this article, we identify individual factors like material incentives, team support, and public service motivation have surprising influence on the staff's organizational commitment and work involvement. However, mixing of different policy instruments will result in multiple "crowded-out", unexpected effects. In order to control them, we carry out some policy recommendations for private participation in public infrastructure.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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