


Do Women Oppose Nuclear Power More Than Men? An Analysis of Nuclear Public Opinion Before and After the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster




梁世武(Shih-Wu Liang)


核電支持度 ; 核能安全 ; 性別差異 ; 福島核災 ; 勝算對數 ; support of nuclear power ; nuclear safety ; gender gap ; Fukushima nuclear disaster ; logistic regression




61期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 50




Brody(1984: 209)指出,民意研究中最一致的發現,就是女性始終比男性反對使用核能。本研究目的在於探討女性較男性反對核能是否為跨越時空的普遍現象,或是在不同條件下有差異?本文並再以台灣核能民意實證資料探討比較重大核災前後,影響兩性核能支持度因素是否有變化。解析車諾比事故與福島核災後跨國核能民意資料發現,絕大多數國家的女性確實比男性反對使用核能。若以洲際核能民意資料來看,亞洲國家女性相對男性反對使用核能的比例較歐美國家顯著偏低。如比較美國與台灣在福島核災前後的核能民意資料,可發現兩國在重大核災事故後,男性反核比例較女性上升幅度大。本研究進一步使用台灣跨年度核能民意資料解析,發現歷年的年輕或高學歷女性反核比例相對年長或學歷較低女性偏高。若以二元勝算對數迴歸分析發現,福島核災前台灣女性反核比例受風險認知、意識型態、年齡等因素影響,男性則受風險認知、意識型態、居住地區等因素影響。福島核災後影響男性反核的因素主要是風險認知與教育程度,女性變成受風險認知、居住地區影響。相對來說,女性受風險認知影響幅度較大,顯示重大核能事故後,女性相較男性更趨向於因風險認知差異而影響反核態度。


A survey of Brody (1984: 209) showed that women were significantly more opposed to the use of nuclear power than men. The purpose of the study is to determine whether the gender gap is a universal phenomenon, or it would be diverse under different time and place? In addition, this study compared supporting factors between men and women before and after a significant nuclear disasters. Study of cross-country nuclear public perspective after the Fukushima nuclear accident and the Chernobyl disaster found that women oppose the use of nuclear energy more than men in most countries. However, the percentage of European and American women against the use of nuclear power was higher than Asian women. According to the studies from Taiwan and the United States, the percentage of men against nuclear power was higher than women after a magnificent nuclear disaster in both countries. A multi-year study of Taiwanese public opinion in nuclear power showed that highly educated young women were less likely to support nuclear power than lower educated senior women. Moreover, this binary logistic regression study showed that before the Fukushima nuclear disaster, risk perception, ideology and age were the main influences on Taiwanese women's attitude toward nuclear power; whereas the attitude of men were only influenced by risk perception and ideology. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, in addition to risk perception and ideology, education level became the influence factors of the attitude toward nuclear power for men; on the contrary, woman influenced by risk perception and residual places. This result showed that women were more likely to change the attitude toward nuclear power for safety reason.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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