


The Impact of Taiwan Labor Insurance's "under-reporting of employees' income" Behavior on Labor Insurance Finance




簡聖哲(Sheng-Zhe Jian);王宏文(Hong-Wung Wang)


勞工保險 ; 年金 ; 高薪低報 ; 薪資 ; 投保薪資 ; labor insurance ; annuity ; under-reporting of employees' income ; salary ; insurance salary




70期(2020 / 06 / 01)


67 - 101






Since the implementation of labor insurance pension annuity, the problem of employers under-reporting employee salaries has become serious. The main reason is that the formula for determining the amount of annuity is based on the average of the highest 60 monthly insured salaries during the period of joining the insurance coverage. Some employers and employees take advantage of this formula by underreporting employee salaries in order to increase the income of employees or reduce the employer's costs. This illegal under-reporting problem has decreased the revenue of the labor insurance fund and has had a significant adverse impact on the sustainable operation of labor insurance. However, so far no scholars have estimated the financial impact that this under-reporting behavior has on labor insurance funds. This paper uses two datasets, "Labor Insurance Salary Information" and "Monthly Income of Employed Persons", to estimate the financial impact that under-reporting behavior has on the labor insurance fund. The results show that illegal under-reporting behavior decreases the revenue of the labor insurance fund by about 3 billion NTD per month, which is about 36 billion NTD per year. In addition, the results also show that the problem of under-reporting is the most serious for employees with monthly salaries between 25,000 NTD and 40,000 NTD. They all tend to report the insured salary at around 20,000~25,000 NTD. Finally, some of the employees with wages higher than the insured salary ceiling also under-report their salaries. Therefore, this paper proposes two policy recommendations: one is to extend the period of the insured salary used in the calculation of the amount of the annuity, and the other is to strengthen the audit and to set up a blacklisting system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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